Sunday, July 13, 2008


ghost town on wheelz, YO!
Tucson tootsies head 4 hills
Windy City wins!


Mick Jammer said...

Should be known as the
Windy City Massacre
Poor Tramps - long trip back!

Jason. said...

TUCSON, not TUSCON! oops!

Mick Jammer said...

Jeez, what a jerk that guy is, Mr. Spelling Cop.......wait did I think that, or actually post it?... :-P

lead jammer said...

after spending 60 long seconds in the virtual pokey, I fixed the pic. thx guys!

Mick Jammer said...

LJ, are there virtual Derby Lite ladies in charge of the virtual penalty box? Or do I have to commit a "grammatical major" to find out?!

lead jammer said...

oh no! the virtual slammer is wayyy harsher than the Cicero sin bin. the longest 60 seconds of my life, YO!